Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mission Accomplished!

(The story you are bout to read is true.  The names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent...and the guilty)

Mission: to successfully save a chicken from its demise.
Location: Small Town, USA
Date: 2 July 2011

Please know that I will not be able to show you pictures as that could compromise the confidentiality of the operation.

0600: Wake up
0610-0650: deal with a dog disater.  I won't go in to detail, but will tell you it involved a nervous dog who may or may not be named Tes.  Let's just say I'm down one orange shag rug and have found a friend in the Spotbot.
0700: Gas up
0710: Head out to Small Town, USA which may or may not be in Texas
0730: Hydrate and fuel the body (aka-stop at Sonic)
0730-0908: DRIVE. drive. DrIvE. and drive.
accomplice #1. Picture altered to conceal his or her identity
 0910: arrive in Small Town USA.  Call accomplice #2 for better directions. Find out #2 needs to learn street names in the town where he or she grew up
0920ish: Arrive at the predetermined location.  20 minutes late and worried we may break cover.
0925: Dress the part to blend in with the locals.
0925-1000: Take the tour.  It was very interesting.  More eggs than you could ever imagine.  50 incubaters and each one hold 18,000 eggs.  Before the incubators they sit in a cold room.  This keeps the eggs dormant until they're ready to incubate.  Everything is all business. From the egg to the's all a product.  The chicks hatch and then go on a ride of their life (6 Flags Over Small Town USA).  I learned that the chicks absorb the yolk so they don't have to be fed or watered for about 36 hours.  As with everything there was a table for the "rejects."  Poor things!  I had to keep my emotions hidden so I didn't blow my cover.  This is not a place I would be able to work.  If I did I would have the largest farm of disabled chickens this side of the Mississippi (whichever "this" side may be).
1000: Leave location empty handed.
1000ish: Call #2.  He or She calls her people on the inside.
1005ish: I turn around and head back to the location of interest.  Accomplice #3 is outside with a package.  #2 and #3 make the exchange (except #3 didn't get anything in return)
contents of the package

 1010: Head back to base camp
1200: Stop at Roach's feed and Seed to get supplies
1230ish:Make it back to Base Camp.

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