Sunday, November 25, 2012

Mange No More!

As we all know, Jessie was less than romantic when it came to his girls.  After a while the girls all had bare backs (think about it...)  Anyway, after Jessie went to be with the Lord the girls didn't grow their feathers back as I had expected them to do.  All of this time I've had mangy looking chickens.  They looked like something you would see rescued by the SPCA. Well, I am happy to announce that all of the girls are growing their feathers back!  Pearl even has some tail feathers coming in. I'll post pictures soon.

Evidently they were "molting" and this is to happen every year.  So if you happen to stop by my house during the Fall don't judge me, and I won't judge you when your kids look sloppy. ;)

Everyday is Easter

I'm not sure what's gotten in to the girls these days.  Maybe they are rebelling, but they are NOT laying their eggs in their nesting box.  They will lay an egg next to it, but not IN the box.  This makes it very difficult to gather eggs.  Production has already gone down due to the shorter days and now we have to hunt all over their yard to find the few eggs we do get.  How do you turn this into a positive??  Mom has decided it's like an Easter Egg hunt everyday...without the giant rabbits and Peeps.