Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Long Time, No Peep

It's been a VERY long time since I have updated this thing.  I've promised for some time that I would do it and just didn't get around to it.  Now that I'm ready to type, I have forgotten much of what has happened.  Here's a quick synopsis of everything that comes to mind...

  • Doc (formerly known as Kate) pecked Brian's toes REALLY good and he yelled a few obscenities.  Thankfully, mom was inside.
  • We tried to combine the chickens, but Doc kept picking on Jessie.  They were fine when someone was looking, but once we went inside the fight was on!  I kept going outside and finding their water bottles on their side.  It was because Jessie was trying to get away from Doc who kept attacking her.
  • I'm almost certain Ms. Jessie is a Mister.  Monday she charged Doc and the feathers on her neck were standing straight out.  It looked like something from the movie Jurassic Park...remember the alien that would be sweet and then all of the sudden its face would explode as it would attack?  That's my chicken!
  • So far NO EGG.  It will be a GLORIOUS day when Jane finally lays an egg.  I can't wait!!!  It will be better than Christmas (especially since we don't do the gift thing anyway).
  • It's cooled off enough to where we don't have to put out frozen water bottles for the chicks.  It had gotten so hot we were putting them out a couple times a day.  Everyone says chickens are dumb, but they knew to sit next to the ice.  I'd say that's pretty smart.
  • I'm getting the itch for some more chickens.  I just need to figure out what to do with the TWO roosters I have.  There are talks about sending Doc to live with my brother and sister-in-law in New Mexico.  How silly is that??  My poor mother is yet again being roped into doing something crazy...I come up with an idea and my poor mother executes it...quite well, I might add.  She's going to drive him there (NM) when she goes to visit this December.
  • Doc's cOcKa-DoOdLe-DoOs aren't too terribly loud and I have yet to get a noise complaint by the city.  Keep your fingers crossed.
  • Miss Jessie hasn't crowed yet, but that's not to say she won't start. When I say "she" it's just wishful thinking.
  • Miss Jessie is HUGE!  She caught up with the others and surpassed them!  Go big or go home.
  • Oakcliff is having a coop snoop in October.  I'm pretty eggcited about seeing how others have set up their yards.  I have a very nice coop...just don't know how to situate it in my yard.
I know there's more than this, but I can't think...too much pressure! :)

Please know that the rest of the blogs I do tonight are probably out of order.  I'm just going by the pictures in my phone.  Thank goodness I'm "one of those people" that take pictures of every move the chicks make, otherwise we would have no more updates. (You can thank me later. hehe)

Get ready to be caught up!  I apologize to those who will get an email every time I update. :)

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