Monday, July 25, 2011

Stranger Danger!

Tes is a therapy dog...

In chicken this translates to..."We're all gonna need therapy after this dog gets a hold of us!!"

Mom is trying to train Tes to not go out for blood every time she goes out back.  Tes is a pretty good dog, but I think this might be a big task for her.  It would be like telling me not to drink the Diet Coke that setting on my desk...NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

Mom and Tes practicing "Leave it."

She got them in her sights...

So far Tes is okay on a leash.  The other day, however, the dogs were out back and Brian tried to put ice in the coop.  Kate had a near death experience.  She flew over Brian's head.  Tes went in for the kill and Kate had to do some tactical moves to get out of harms way.  Brian would have had some explaining to do had Kate been injured...or dinner.

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